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Know your Place – where will power really sit in the new NHS?

What will a ‘Place’ look like? What will this new layer of the NHS mean in practice and what decision-making powers will Place leaders have?

As the NHS starts its journey towards an integrated future, Dr Steven Michael OBE (Chair of East Cheshire Partnership) joined Tom Clarke (Director, Mtech Access) on Friday 30th April at 2.00 pm to talk ‘Place’, ‘Partnership’, ’Collaboratives’ and more in our live webinar.

In our April #WhispersWordsofWisdom webinar, Dr Steven Michael OBE  joined Tom Clarke to explore all things ‘Place’.

The UK Government’s Health and Care White Paper, along with other recent policy announcements, set out a major proposed reorganisation of the NHS in England. This includes the introduction of the term ‘Place’, a localised function within Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). There is still much uncertainty, even within the NHS, about what this term and others like ‘Collaborative’ will mean in practice.

In this webinar, Tom and Steven discussed what these new structures mean, how they may affect the patient experience, how they will impact decision-making and what they could mean for pharmaceutical and medtech market access.

Dr Steven Michael OBE has over 20 years of experience in the NHS. He began his career as a registered nurse working in psychiatric intensive care in 1985, before rising through various management and leadership roles to be CEO of a South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS FT between 2007 and 2016. He has since contributed to or chaired a number of NHS boards, including the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network, Spectrum Community Health CIC and East Cheshire Partnership.

We are excited to welcome Steven to the Whispers’ Words of Wisdom webinar series.

This webinar forms part of our monthly Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series, in which we have in‑depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges currently faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.

Our previous webinars are available on demand:

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