Mtech Access Privacy Notice

Mtech Access (“we”, “us”, “our”) understands that your privacy is important to you and that you care about the use of your personal data. We respect and value the privacy of everyone we connect with when doing business.

Please read this Privacy Notice carefully and ensure that you understand it.

Information About Us

Mtech Access is a Limited Company registered in England under company number 09875447. Registered address: 2nd Floor, Rowood House, Murdock Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 4PP. Mtech Access Limited is a Data Controller (ICO registration number ZA716523).

Since 31 May 2024, Mtech Access is owned and governed by Petauri Health LLC, an organisation based in the USA. Mtech Access may make transfers of your personal data to Petauri Health and its subsidiaries in accordance with this policy, in particular the policies set out in the With Whom We Share Your Personal Data section.


What this Privacy Notice Covers

This Privacy Notice applies to our use of your personal data where you are not covered by a specific privacy notice we have provided. You will be issued with a separate and specific privacy notice:

  • When you become an employee or intern with us
  • When you become part of our NHS Faculty, or an Associate
  • When you participate in ad-hoc engagements as an expert
  • When you are booked as a speaker/contributor at one of our events


What are Personal Data?

The term personal data is defined by the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (collectively, “the Data Protection Legislation”) as any information which are related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Personal data covers obvious information, such as your name and contact details, but also covers less obvious information, such as identification numbers, electronic location data, and other online identifiers. The personal data that we collect, and use are set out in the sections below.


Your Rights

Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the following rights, which we will always work to uphold:

  • The right to be informed about our collection and use of your personal data. This Privacy Notice should tell you everything you need to know, but you can always contact us to find out more using the contact details provided at the end of this notice
  • The right to access the personal data we hold about you. The section How You Can Access Your Personal Data will tell you how to do this
  • The right to have your personal data rectified if any of your personal data held by us are inaccurate or incomplete. Please contact us using the contact details provided at the end of this notice if you become aware that your personal data requires correction
  • The right to be forgotten, i.e. the right to ask us to delete or otherwise dispose of any of your personal data that we hold
  • The right to restrict (i.e. prevent) the processing of your personal data
  • The right to object to us using your personal data for a particular purpose or purposes
  • The right to withdraw consent if we are relying on your consent as the legal basis for using your personal data; You are free to withdraw your consent at any time
  • The right to data portability if you have provided personal data to us directly, we are using the data with your consent or for the performance of a contract, and those data are processed using automated means. You can ask us for a copy of that personal data to re-use with another service or business in many cases
  • Rights relating to automated decision-making and profiling. We do not use your personal data in this way

Further information about your rights can be obtained from us (using the contact details provided at the end of this notice), the Information Commissioner’s Office, or your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

For more information about our use of your personal data or exercising your rights as outlined above, please contact us using the contact details provided at the end of this notice.

If you have a complaint about our use of your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. We would welcome the opportunity to resolve your concerns ourselves, however, so please contact us first using the contact details provided at the end of this notice.


What Data We Collect About You

The personal data we collect about you may be through our websites, and (“Our Sites”) when you complete one of our web forms. Subsequently, additional personal data may be collected via other channels. We will only collect personal data and use the data in the ways that are described here, and in a way that is consistent with our obligations and your rights under the law.

Important: Our Sites may contain links to other websites. Please note that we have no control over how your data are collected, stored, or used by other websites, and we advise that you to check the privacy policies of any such websites before providing any data to them.

Depending upon your use of Our Sites and interactions with us through other channels, we may collect and hold some or all of the personal and non-personal data set out in the table below, using the methods also set out in the table. We do not collect any ‘special category’ or ‘sensitive’ personal data (unless you become an employee), personal data relating to children, or data relating to criminal convictions and/or offences.


Data Subjects and Data Collected How We Collect the Data
Job Applicant Information:

·       Personal contact details, such as name, title, address, telephone number(s), and personal email address

·       Recruitment information, including references, interview notes taken during and following interviews, your CV/resume, personal statement, and other information included in a CV or cover letter or as part of the application process including applications for alternative roles whilst employed

·       Right to work documentation, which may include a copy of your passport (or other photographic ID), birth certificate, resident permit and/or a copy of a visa. The exact documentation that we require is based on government guidance and will depend upon your individual circumstances. We will provide you with details should this be relevant to you

·       A copy of your signature on documents you sign during the recruitment process

·       Copies of presentations and any other materials you prepare as part of the application process


When you apply for a vacancy that we have advertised on our website or a third-party platform; information is collected directly from you and from third parties (such as former employers, former professional institutions you have attended, or other background check agencies)


External Talent of Interest

·       Contact details

·       Contact history

·       Current position

·       Career interests and goals

Directly from you after we connect with you via a professional social media platform such as LinkedIn, and you express an interest in hearing about Mtech Access job opportunities
Prospective Faculty Member/Associate Information:

·       Contact details, such as name, job title, e-mail address and telephone number(s)

·       Correspondence history and contact status

·       Registration, attendance and feedback on Mtech Access events

Directly from you when:

·       You are a personal contact of an Mtech Access employee, or

·       An existing Faculty member/Associate recommends you, or

·       You connect with us via a professional social media platform such as LinkedIn, or

·       At your request to join our network of experts or attend events

Potential External Expert Information:

·       Contact details, such as name, email address and telephone number(s)

·       Basic data on your role, such as country, employer, job title/respondent type, sub-type, and specialty

·       Correspondence history & outcome of contact

·       From online sources when you are identified online e.g. via LinkedIn or key word searches using internet search engines such as Google and your professional profile matches documented selection criteria for a client project

·       From a colleague/peer when you are recommended by another individual who has been approached to participate in one of our projects

·       Directly from you after we make contact with you

Prospective Client/Collaborator Information:

·       Contact/profile information, including:

o   Name

o   Email address

o   Telephone number(s)

o   Job title

o   Company

o   LinkedIn page

o   Areas of interest (therapy area, market access services)

o   Your position in the structure of your organisation

o   Company history

·       Correspondence

·       Registration, attendance, and feedback on Mtech Access events

·       Consent to receive information, news and/or events

·       Your opinions on our service/product offerings captured in a survey

Directly from you, when you:

·       Speak with us at a trade show/networking event, or

·       Register for one of our seminars/webinars or other events, or

·       Make an enquiry to one of our email addresses, via a procurement platform, via Our Sites or social media channels, or

·       Subscribe to our newsletter, or

·       Subscribe to our NHS whispers service, or

·       Request an interactive demo/news about new digital tools, or

·       Request a paper, report, or other Mtech Access thought piece, or

·       Connect with us on social media, or

·       Are referred to us by one of your colleagues to participate in an existing project or discuss a new opportunity

·       Are referred to us by a mutual contact during one of our client satisfaction calls

Client Information:

As per “Prospective Client/Collaborator”, and in addition:

·       Invoice details, bank account details, accounting records

·       Feedback in relation to projects commissioned with us and proposals we have submitted

·       Signed contracts or equivalent

Directly from you when you request a proposal or purchase our services/products



Target Client Information:

·       Contact/profile information, including:

o   Name

o   Email address

o   Job title

o   Company

o   LinkedIn page

o   Your position in the structure of your organisation

From online sources when we identify you on those online sources as working for one of our client companies in a role that may commission, approve, or be involved in using the services/products we offer
Client Respondent Information:

·       Contact/profile information, including:

o   Name

o   Email address

o   Telephone number(s)

o   Job title

o   Company

o   LinkedIn page

o   Your position in the structure of your organisation

·       Correspondence to arrange data collection

·       Recordings of interviews and/or written answers to surveys for analysis purposes

From your employer, when we are commissioned by your employer to collect the views and opinions of  their employees and, subsequently, directly from you to fulfil the contracted work
Supplier Information:

·       Contact information

·       Data about your business, services and pricing, including due diligence on your policies and processes

·       Diversity data, namely whether you are a small or medium enterprise (SME), and whether you are minority-owned

·       Signature (for contracting)

·       Data on individual employees’ specific roles

·       Rating/feedback on services rendered

·       Bank details and other information required to pay you

When you or your company offer to provide or provide services to us, and/or when we identify online that you may provide services of interest to Mtech Access
Academic/Student/Other professional Information

·       Contact/profile information, including:

o   Name

o   Email address

o   Telephone number(s)

o   Job title

o   Company

o   LinkedIn page

o   Areas of interest (therapy area, market access services)

o   Company history

·       Correspondence

·       Registration, attendance, and feedback on Mtech Access events

·       Consent to receive information, news and/or events

Directly from you, when you:

·       Speak with us at a trade show/ networking event, or

·       Register for one of our seminars/webinars or other events, or

·       Make an enquiry to one of our email addresses, via Our Sites or social media channels, or

·       Subscribe to our newsletter, or

·       Subscribe to our NHS whispers service, or

·       Request an interactive demo/news about new digital tools, or

·       Request a paper or other Mtech Access thought piece, or

·       Connect with us on social media


Website Users ·       As a website user (viewing Our Sites) you have control of your cookie settings, see ‘Change your Consent’ on our Cookie Settings page:

·       Mtech Access will only obtain and store your personal data when you complete a web-form on Our Sites, and at this point you will be designated as a one of the Data Subjects above

Abbreviations: CV, curriculum vitae; ID, identity document; SME, small or medium enterprise

It is important that your personal data are kept accurate and up to date. If any of the personal data we hold about you change, please keep us informed for as long as we have those data.


How We Use Your Personal Data

Under the Data Protection Legislation, we must always have a lawful basis for using personal data. The following table describes how we will use your personal data, and our lawful bases for doing so:

How Do We Use Your Data Lawful Basis
·       To register you as a client or supplier with us

·       To provide products and services to you, as agreed by you or your organisation

·       To process payments, billing and collection, and

·       To process applications for employment

To fulfil a contract, or take steps linked to a contract, with you or your organisation


·       To facilitate effective personal contact

·       To respond to an enquiry you have made of us

·       To understand your interest in or promote one or more of our services/products we think will be of interest to you

·       To understand your interest in our job opportunities

·       For handling administration related to marketing our services and products

·       To ensure optimum delivery of our services and/or products

·       To assess your suitability to join our Faculty or become an Associate

·       To invite you to participate in project as an external expert

·       To invite you to provide primary data (your views and opinions), and to collect those data on behalf of your employer

·       To gather information required to administer and follow-up with delegates registering for one of our seminars, webinars, and training events

·       To enrol you in an event/training that you have been nominated to participate in by one of your colleagues

·       To analyse and improve our products/services and communications

·       To monitor compliance with our policies and standards

·       To manage access to our premises and for security purposes, and

·       To protect the security of our communications and other systems and to prevent and detect security threats, frauds or other criminal or malicious activities

As required by us to conduct our business and pursue our legitimate interests


·       Maintaining accounting records, compliance checks

·       Checking you are legally entitled to work in the UK

For purposes required by law


·       To send you a paper, sample report, or other thought piece you have requested (as a new contact)

·       To communicate with you via our newsletter, or to keep you up to date on the latest general developments, announcements, events, and initiatives, or to send you details of promotional activities


With your permission and/or where permitted by law, we may use your personal data for marketing purposes, which may include contacting you by email, telephone, text message or post with information, news, and offers on our products and services. You will not be sent any unlawful marketing or spam. We will always work to fully protect your rights and comply with our obligations under the Data Protection Legislation and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (PECR), and you will always have the opportunity to opt out of receiving marketing materials.

We will obtain your express consent before sharing your personal data with third parties for marketing purposes that are not listed below in the How We Share Your Personal Data section, and you will be able to opt-out at any time.

We will only use your personal data for the purpose(s) for which they were originally collected, unless we reasonably believe that another purpose is compatible those original purpose(s), and we need to use your personal data for that purpose. If we do use your personal data in this way and you wish us to explain how the new purpose is compatible with the original, please contact us using the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Notice.

If we need to use your personal data for a purpose that is unrelated to, or incompatible with, the purpose(s) for which they were originally collected, we will inform you and explain the legal basis that allows us to do so.

In some circumstances, where permitted or required by law, we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent. This will only be done within the bounds of the Data Protection Legislation and your legal rights.

 How Long We Keep Your Personal Data

We will not keep your personal data for any longer than is necessary in light of the reason(s) for which they were first collected. Your personal data will therefore be kept for the following periods (or, where there is no fixed period, the following factors will be used to determine how long they are kept):


Data Subject How Long We Keep It (by type of data)
Job Applicant Information Personal data related to unsuccessful applications will be retained for 6 months, from the end of the calendar month in which the last interview/contact took place
External Talent of Interest Either you will become a Job Applicant, or your personal data will be retained for 12 months, from the end of the calendar month in which we last had direct contact with you
Prospective Faculty Member/Associate Information The end of the calendar month 2 years after last contact from you (or if no response received from you, 2 years from last outgoing communication)
Potential External Expert Information Up to 90 days after the project that you were invited to participate in completes, unless you give us your consent to store your data for longer
Prospective Client/Collaborator information Contact/Profile Information: 3 years from the January following when you last access general information from Mtech Access, i.e.

·       Opening one of our mailouts

·       Registering/attending one of our events

Or, 3 years from the January following the last contact from one of our team

Or, 3 years from the January following when you became known to us via one of your colleagues


Registration, attendance, and feedback on Mtech Access events: 3 years from the January following the year in which the event occurred.


Consent to receive information, news and/or events: until consent withdrawn or contact/profile information deleted


Survey data: Until the purpose for collecting the data is complete and not more than 1 calendar year from the receipt of first response(s)

Target Client Information Contact/Profile Information: Information is regularly re-verified and out of date information is not retained
Client Information Refer to Prospective Client Information, plus:

Financial records: 6 years after the end of the financial year in which the transaction took place


Signed contracts: 6 years after the termination or expiry of the contract/engagement, or other period defined in the contract


Project files: for as long as agreed within the project contract


Contact/Profile Information: 10 years from the January following the closure of a project/delivery of a product or the submission of an unsuccessful proposal to you, unless you are designated a Prospective Client at that point in time


Feedback: 2 years from collection of the data

Client Respondent Information Contact File: Refer to Prospective Client


Attributable Primary Data: Up to 90 days after the project completes, unless attributable data were provided in project deliverables, and then these are retained for as long as agreed in the contractual terms for the project

Supplier Information, including Contractors: Financial records: 6 years after the end of the financial year in which the transaction took place


Signed contracts and assessment forms: 6 years after the termination or expiry of the contract/engagement, or other period defined by the contract


Contact information: up to 6 years from the end of the financial year in which the contract/last engagement ended

Academic/Student/Other professional Information Contact/Profile Information: 3 years from the January following when you last access general information from Mtech Access, i.e.

·       Opening one of our mailouts

·       Registering/attending one of our events

Or, 3 years from the January following the last contact from one of our team


Registration, attendance, and feedback on Mtech Access events: 3 years from the January following the year in which the event occurred


Consent to receive information, news and/or events: until consent withdrawn or contact/profile information deleted




Where We Store Your Personal Data

We will store some of your personal data in countries outside of the UK and in doing so, we will take additional steps to ensure that your transferred personal data are treated just as safely and securely as they would be within the UK and under the Data Protection Legislation as follows:

  • We will only store personal data in countries that are deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data. For further information about adequacy decisions and the UK’s Government’s Adequacy Regulations, please refer to the Information Commissioner’s Office. In some cases, specific companies are designated as having an adequate level of protection despite the country in which that company is based not being covered by Adequacy Regulations. In the USA, such companies must be registered appropriately using a recognised and regulated scheme called the Data Privacy Framework.


  • We will use specific approved contracts that ensure the same levels of personal data protection that apply under the Data Protection Legislation. For further information, please refer to the Information Commissioner’s Office

Please contact us using the contact details provided below for further information about the particular data protection mechanisms used when transferring your personal data to another country.

How We Keep Your Personal Data Secure

The security of your personal data is essential to us, and to protect your data, we take a number of important measures, including the following:

  • Ensuring your personal data are stored under protections commensurate with the UK (see above Where We Store Your Personal Data)
  • Limiting access to your personal data to those employees, faculty and associates, contractors, and other third parties with a legitimate need to know and ensuring that they are subject to duties of confidentiality
  • Procedures for dealing with data breaches (the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, your personal data) including notifying you and/or the Information Commissioner’s Office where we are legally required to do so
  • Data are encrypted at rest and during transfer. Data are backed up nightly using datto SaaS protection, where they are encrypted at rest and during transfer
  • Adhering our Information Systems policies, procedure and processes including, physical security, access control, data classification, and password


With Whom We Share Your Personal Data

We may sometimes contract with the following third parties to supply certain products and services. These third parties are listed in the table below. In addition, if you are a supplier, we may share your personal data with the end client (“commissioning client”) where required by law or necessary in the performance of the contract with them. This data may be transferred over email or on a third-party platform that records our sub-contractors.


Recipient Activity Carried Out Location

(data processor)

Annual financial accounts UK, EEA, USA
Accounting Software

(data processor)

Administer payment of invoices and raising of invoices USA, NZ
Applicant Tracking System

(data processor)

Manage recruitment process Ireland
Business Management Software

(data processor)

Customer relationship management and project management; Supplier management EEA
Communication System
(data processor)
Send/receive electronic communications; Make/receive web-calls EEA
Disaster Recovery Provider

(data processor)

Storage of back-up files for disaster recovery purposes Worldwide
Email Automation Tool

(data processor)

Manage bulk mailouts EEA
Email Management Tool

(data processor)

Hosting contact information and tracking communication of prospective Faculty Members and Associates EEA
E-Signature Platform
(data processor)
Obtain certified electronic signatures on contracts and other documents UK
Event Ticketing Tool
(data processor)
Register attendees, distribute tickets, and collect payment for paid events USA
Information Storage System

(data processor)

Hosting of digital business and project files UK
Survey Tool
(data processor)
Collect feedback on our services and events UK
Transcription Service
(data processor)
Subtitle recordings; Create transcriptions USA
Webinar Platform

(data processor)

Webinar registration, organisation, and hosting USA
Website Design & Hosting
(data processor)
Website hosting, design and support including collection of enquiries via web-forms USA
Suppliers only: Various client sourcing and procurement platforms as required for pre-approval of sub-contractors/sub-processors on client sponsored projects

Abbreviations: EEA, European Economic Area; NZ, New Zealand; UK, United Kingdom; USA, United States of America.

If any of your personal data are shared with a third party, as described above, we will take steps to ensure that your personal data are handled safely, securely, and in accordance with your rights, our obligations, and the third party’s obligations under the law, as described above.

If any personal data are transferred outside of the UK, we will take suitable steps to ensure that your personal data are treated just as safely and securely as those data would be within the UK and under the Data Protection Legislation, as explained above.

If we sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or assets, your personal data may be transferred to a third party. Any new owner of our business may continue to use your personal data in the same way(s) that we have used those data, as specified in this Privacy Notice.

In some limited circumstances, we may be legally required to share certain personal data, which might include yours, if we are involved in legal proceedings or complying with legal obligations, a court order, or the instructions of a government authority.


How You Can Access Your Personal Data

If you want to know what personal data we have about you, you can ask us for details of those personal data and for a copy of them (where any such personal data are held). This is known as a “subject access request”.

All subject access requests can be made in writing, either via email or via the postal addresses shown below, or verbally, either in person or on the phone.

There is not normally any charge for a subject access request. If your request is ‘manifestly unfounded or excessive’ (for example, if you make repetitive requests) a fee may be charged to cover our administrative costs in responding.

We will respond to your subject access request within 1 month of receiving it. Normally, we aim to provide a complete response, including a copy of your personal data, within that time. In some cases, however, particularly if your request is more complex, more time may be required, up to a maximum of 3 months from the date we receive your request. You will be kept fully informed of our progress.


How We Use Cookies

For information on how Our Sites use cookies, please refer to:


How To Contact Us

To contact us about anything to do with your personal data and data protection, including to make a subject access request, please use the following details for the attention of our Data Protection Lead:

Email address:

Postal address: Mtech Access, 2nd Floor, Rowood House, Murdock Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 4PP


Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time. This may be necessary, for example, if the law changes, or if we change our business in a way that affects personal data protection.

Any changes will be made available via our website. This Privacy Notice was last updated on 23 July 2024.