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Integrated Care Systems: Separating fact from myth – insights from a system leader

ICS Separating Fact From Myth: Insights from a system leader

On 28th August 2020,  Dr Claire Fuller, Senior Responsible Officer at Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership, joined Tom Clarke (Director, Mtech Access) to discuss Integrated Care Systems (ICS) in our live webinar: ‘ICS: Separating fact from myth – insights from a system leader‘.

In August, Tom Clarke sat down with Dr Claire Fuller to lift the lid on the evolving world of ICS. As Senior Responsible Officer for Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership, Dr Fuller leads the delivery of plans to transform care for a population of over 850,000 people. Her role sees her collaborate with hospital, community, and primary care partners to introduce innovations that improve patient care.

A practicing GP since 1995, Dr Fuller’s perspective on the NHS stretches from the frontline of care delivery right through to national policy. Dr Fuller currently chairs the national RightCare Clinical Group and is a member on the national RightCare Oversight Group.

We were delighted to welcome Dr Fuller to the Whispers’ Words of Wisdom webinar series.

This webinar forms part of our monthly Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series, in which we have in‑depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.

For our first Whispers’ Words of Wisdom webinar, in July, Tom was joined by David Thorne (fellow Mtech Access Director and Non-Executive Director at Well Up North PCN). Together, they opened the series with a far-reaching discussion about how the NHS has evolved in recent months, encompassing everything from the challenges of capacity management, through to the impact of the pandemic on the NHS Long term Plan. Find out more about the series and watch the full webinar here: The Evolving NHS – Lessons for Pharma and Medtech’.

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