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Pharmacy and Medicines in the Integrated Care Systems (ICS) of the new NHS

With new policy passing power to Integrated Care Systems (ICS), we explore how pharmacy and medicines commissioning will work in the new system. Laura Angus (Interim Lead Pharmacist, Humber, Coast and Vale ICS), joined Tom Clarke (Director, Mtech Access) on Tuesday 15th December for our webinar: ‘Pharmacy and Medicines in the Integrated Care Systems (ICS) of the new NHS’.

In our December #WhispersWordsofWisdom webinar, Tom Clarke was joined by Laura Angus who, in her new appointment as a Lead Pharmacist in an Integrated Care System (ICS), is currently evaluating the impact of the transfers of budget and decision-making power from Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to an ICS. Her appointment as Interim Lead Pharmacist at Humber Coast and Vale ICS in November, follows 7-years as Head of Prescribing at NHS Vale of York CCG. Laura shared her frontline insights into the structural changes in the NHS, and what this means for pharmacy and the role of medicines.

We are excited to welcome Laura to the Whispers’ Words of Wisdom webinar series.

This webinar forms part of our monthly Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series, in which we have in‑depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.

Our previous webinars are now available to watch on demand:

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