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UK Market Access Webinar – Exploring the NHS 2022/23 priorities and operational planning guidance

Planning in a volatile environment: how will the NHS reconcile its competing priorities and operational planning to meet its challenges? - UK Market Access webinar with Caroline Dawe, Deputy Director of Commissioning, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG

Planning in a volatile environment: how will the NHS reconcile its competing priorities and operational planning to meet its challenges?

What does the 2022/23 priorities and operational planning guidance’ document mean for the NHS, for Integrated Care System (ICS) development and for an NHS workforce still battling COVID? How realistic and achievable are the priorities set out, and how can Pharma and Medtech best help NHS leaders to achieve these goals?

Caroline Dawe (Deputy Director of Commissioning, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group [CCG]) joined Tom Clarke (Director, Mtech Access) to explore all this and more in our live webinar on Friday 28th January at 2.00 pm.

In our first #WhispersWordsofWisdom webinar of 2022, Caroline Dawe joined Tom Clarke to take a look at the 2022/23 priorities and operational planning guidance’ document published by NHS England on 24th December 2021. This document purports to set out NHS England’s plans and priorities for the year ahead.

Caroline and Tom discussed the content of the document and its expected impact on different areas of the NHS and how it relates to other guidance and agendas. We explored how multiple levels of guidance are managed, such as how this document will work alongside the development of ICSs.

Tom and Caroline discussed how realistic the expectations set out in the guidance are within a much-constrained NHS that is still battling COVID, and which priorities stand out as achievable and desirable.

Together, they put the document in context for our Pharma and Medtech clients to evaluate what these changes may mean for UK market access and how industry can best support the NHS with these challenges and priorities.

Caroline has spent the majority of her working career in the NHS working in operational and commissioning roles. Caroline joined South Gloucestershire CCG as Deputy Director of Commissioning for performance improvement in October 2021, to support the CCG in the move towards ICSs.

Prior to this, Caroline worked at University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust the Medicines Care Group Manager, a large care group with over 2,000 employees and a £160m budget, with a range of specialties from emergency department, general medicine to haematology and immunology, and oncology. She also led and created the Acute Assessment Unit, a bridge between community and acute services.

With her deep experience in operational leadership roles, her focus on commissioning and her recent experience in acute care, we are excited to hear Caroline’s thoughts on the paper and the future of the NHS more widely.

We were delighted to welcome Caroline to the Whispers’ Words of Wisdom webinar series.

This webinar forms part of our monthly Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series, that sees our UK market access team have in-depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges currently faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.

Our previous webinars are available on demand:

Highlights from the webinar:

How and where can Pharma and Medtech support the NHS?

How will Integrated Care Boards balance national and local needs?

How can the NHS innovate?

Reflections on implementing the guidance

Listen to the podcast:

This episode is also available as a podcast. Listen below or search ‘Pharma Market Access Insights  – from Mtech Access’ on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.

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