Pharma and Medtech professionals put questions to our panel of NHS associates as we reflected on the operational, structural, and clinical challenges the NHS has faced in 2021 and how Pharma and Medtech can best support the NHS in 2022, in our live webinar on Friday 10th December 2021.
In our December #WhispersWordsofWisdom webinar, Tom Clarke (Director, Mtech Access) put your questions to some of Mtech Access’s closest and most insightful friends:
- David Thorne (Director, Mtech Access and Well Up North PCN) our Policy expert
- Patrick McGinley (Head of Costing and Service Line Reporting, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust) our Hospitals and Finance expert
- Liz Cross (Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Attenborough Surgery, Watford) our Primary Care and Clinical expert
- Ewan Maule (Interim Chief Pharmacist, North East and North Cumbria ICS) our System and Medicines expert
In this special end of the year panel discussion, we reflected on the changes, challenges and innovations seen across the NHS in 2021. We explored our panellists’ expectations for 2022 and how they hope the NHS will evolve, learn lessons from 2021 and look to collaborate with industry in the future.
We asked our experts:
- What’s the most important thing that’s happened in the NHS in 2021? (c. 3.15)
- What are the panel most looking forward to or dreading in 2022? (c. 9.40)
- Given the new ICS structures how might that impact on the formulary approach to procurement? (c. 19.50)
- How might QOF evolve to reduce health inequalities? (c. 21.30)
- How much is known about the budgetary and financial arrangements for next year (2022)? (c. 25.50)
- What essential data will be used at a system level to deliver the vision? (c. 29.18)
- How have you seen the patient experience change? (c. 32.03)
- Who should Pharma and Medtech be talking to about driving change in the NHS? (c. 38.20)
- Is there still a role for GP Federations? (c. 45.54)
- What do you make of community diagnostic hubs and how will they work in practice? (c. 46.55)
- What needs to happen for ICSs to take on specialised commissioning? (c. 49.12)
- How can industry help NHS Trusts and ICSs to shift the focus towards value based procurement instead of unit costs? (c. 52.20)
- What’s of more value to the NHS: clinical and quality improvements or system and capacity improvements? (c. 55.00)
- What knowledge or capability would be most valuable to hear from an industry representative? (c. 58.40)
This webinar forms part of our monthly Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series, that sees our UK market access team have in-depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges currently faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.
Our previous webinars are available on demand:
- October 2021: ‘Optimising the NHS – How will medicines be valued in integrated systems?’ with guest speaker Ellen Rule (Programme Director, Gloucestershire ICS)
- September 2021: ‘A new paradigm for the NHS: Partnering to deliver lasting and meaningful care improvements’ with guest speaker Dr Phil Webb (Chief Executive of Respiratory Innovation Wales)
- August 2021: ‘Innovations to address health inequalities in the NHS and how Pharma and Medtech can help’ with guest speaker Jon Siddall (Chief Executive of South West AHSN)
- June 2021: ‘The hidden heroes of the NHS – The role of Ambulance Trusts in keeping patients and systems moving’ with guest speaker Helen Ray (Chief Executive of North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust)
- May 2021: ‘Population to Person – how will the voice of the individual drive health & care development?’ with guest speaker Steph Edusei (Chief Executive of St Oswald’s Hospice)
- April 2021: ‘Know your Place – where will power really sit in the new NHS?’ with guest speaker Dr Steven Michael OBE (Chair of East Cheshire Partnership)
- March 2021: ‘Pharmacy, Medicines, and Specialised Commissioning in the new NHS’ with guest speaker Professor Inderjit Singh (Chief Pharmacist at University Hospitals Birmingham)
- February 2021: ‘The White Paper and integrated care in the NHS: What it really means in practice for clinicians, patients and us’ with guest speaker Dr John Ribchester (GP and Clinical Director at Whitstable Primary Care Network)
- January 2021: ‘Heads at the heart of the NHS: How mental health is central to everything in the new NHS’ with guest speaker Brent Kilmurray (Chief Executive of Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust)
- December 2020: ‘Pharmacy and Medicines in the Integrated Care Systems (ICS) of the new NHS’ with guest speaker Laura Angus (Interim Lead Pharmacist, Humber Coast and Vale ICS)
- November 2020: ‘Is prevention better than the cure? How can the NHS and public health work closer to improve population health?’ with guest speaker Dr Peter Brambleby (Independent Public Health Consultant)
Highlights from the webinar:
The formation of ICSs – a turning point?
What needs to happen for ICSs to take on specialised commissioning?
Keeping QOF practices in primary care in the NHS
Diverse roles in NHS primary care
Will systems working change the way the NHS views the ROI delivered by medicines?
Listen to the podcast:
This episode is also available as a podcast. Listen below or search ‘Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access’ on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.