How will changes to the structure of primary care impact decision making?
How is the relationship between Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and primary care stakeholders evolving? How will funding flows be impacted?
On Friday 28th April, Prof. Phil Richardson (Chair and Chief Innovation Officer, Mtech Access) was joined by Tim Goodson (Executive Officer, Dorset General Practice Alliance) to explore how primary care is evolving and what this means for decision making, funding, and relationships with industry.
Primary care continues to play a pivotal role in delivering safe, high quality and sustainable services for the local population. Improved access, the creation of Primary Care Networks (PCNs), emerging integrated neighbourhood teams, and collaboration between practices are core elements of the continued evolution of services.
Newly emerging Alliances, such as Dorset’s General Practice Alliance (DGPA), appear key to change at a system level. They provide the facilitation and support for primary care to operate at scale whilst still providing personalised integrated services locally.
Tim Goodson, Executive Director for the DGPA and previously the Integrated Care System (ICS) lead and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) accountable officer for the successful wave one Dorset ICS, explores the upcoming changes and what that could mean for decision making and funding.
In this webinar, Phil and Tim explore:
- The integration journey across primary care
- Evolving relationships and structures in primary care in the NHS
- Where decisions are made and who makes them
- How understanding commissioning priorities and funding flows can help Pharma and Medtech to identify decision makers and understand their needs
About our speaker
Tim Goodson (Executive Officer, Dorset General Practice Alliance)
Tim has over 20 years’ experience in NHS primary care leadership roles in Dorset, taking an active part in the changing structures as the system has evolved. He is currently Executive Officer at Dorset General Practice Alliance. Until last year, he held the role of System Leader at Dorset ICS and Chief Executive Officer at Dorset CCG, a position he held for more than 9 years, which saw him oversee a healthcare commissioning budget of £1.6bn. Tim is a qualified accountant and has over 18 years NHS Board level experience, including that as Director of Finance.

We were delighted to welcome Tim to the NHS Whispers webinar series.
Listen to the podcast:
This episode is also available as a podcast. Listen below or search ‘Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access’ on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.
This webinar forms part of our monthly NHS Whispers series, in which we have in-depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges currently faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.
Our previous webinars are available on demand:
- March 2023: ‘Data-led transformation in the NHS – partnering to optimise patient care’ with guest speaker Stephen Slough, Chief Digital Information Officer, NHS Dorset
- February 2023: ‘Innovating for better health – research, collaboration and innovation in the NHS’ with guest speaker Bill Gillespie, Chief Executive Officer, Wessex AHSN
- January 2023: ‘Healthcare, economics and society – unlocking NHS collaboration’ with guest speaker Michael Wood, Head of Health Economic Partnerships, NHS Confed
- December 2022: ‘Specialised Commissioning in the NHS – What do you need to know now?’ with a guest panel of experts
- November 2022: ‘Why are we waiting? – Pressures facing the NHS and how to deliver change?’ with speaker Prof Phil Richardson (new Chief Innovation Officer, Mtech Access and until recently, Executive Director at NHS Dorset ICS)
- August 2022: ‘Priority setting in primary care in the NHS – How is the NHS balancing competing challenges as we head through integration and towards winter’ with guest speaker Dr Alex Degan (Primary Care Medical Director, Devon Integrated Care System)
- July 2022: ‘Integrated Care Systems go live in the NHS – what have the first 3 weeks told us?’ with guest speakers Steve Reed (Head of Community Services, York Teaching Hospital NHS FT) and Dr Viren Mehta (Vice Chair, Viaduct Care and Clinical Director, Cheadle Primary Care Network)
- June 2022: ‘Clinical Pharmacists – exploring the scope, capabilities, and potential of this evolving NHS role’ with guest speaker Tom Kallis (Senior Clinical Pharmacist, East Cornwall PCN)
- May 2022: ‘Transforming systems and care pathways for an integrated NHS’ with guest speaker Debbie Morgan (Director of Service Transformation, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)