With so many patients left waiting for NHS care, what will the long-term impact be? How can Pharma and Medtech support the NHS with systematic challenges, like waiting? Where can industry work with the NHS to improve patient flow to get people appropriate treatment sooner and limit the harm caused by waiting?
On Thursday 17th November, Prof Phil Richardson (new Chief Innovation Officer, Mtech Access and until recently, Executive Director at NHS Dorset ICS) joins Tom Clarke (Director, Mtech Access) explored all this and more.
In this NHS Whispers webinar, we explore:
- The pressures facing NHS systems and how this results in patients waiting
- The long-term impact of this waiting; what it means for patients, their outcomes and treatment
- What informs how NHS system leaders identify and approach these challenges
- How health and care systems can make effective decisions in this climate
- How Pharma and Medtech can support system leaders with these challenges
Prof Phil Richardson draws on his own extensive experience as a system leader in the NHS to explore how and where the NHS and industry can come together to overcome these pressures. We explore opportunities for change through four lenses:
- Innovation
- Digital
- Transformation
- Research
About our Speaker
Prof Phil Richardson joined Mtech Access in October, to help us explore these very issues and find new ways to drive greater partnership between the NHS and industry. Phil joins us direct from NHS Dorset where he was the ICS Executive Director responsible for the development of the Integrated Care System (ICS), commissioning, digital, innovation, research and system transformation.
In recent years, Phil has been an agent for change and innovation in system transformation initiatives across the NHS, including as:
- A board member of Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN)
- Chair of the Applied Research Collaborative
- Chair of the system strategy and transformation group
- The senior sponsor for digital transformation
- The executive lead for the clinical group
- Gold commander for the Covid-19 response
- Executive lead for the develop of arts and culture in health, working as part of a national pilot
Listen to the podcast:
This episode is also available as a podcast. Listen below or search ‘Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access’ on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.
This webinar forms part of our monthly Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series, in which we have in-depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges currently faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.
Our previous webinars are available on demand:
- August 2022: ‘Priority setting in primary care in the NHS – How is the NHS balancing competing challenges as we head through integration and towards winter’ with guest speaker Dr Alex Degan (Primary Care Medical Director, Devon Integrated Care System)
- July 2022: ‘Integrated Care Systems go live in the NHS – what have the first 3 weeks told us?’ with guest speakers Steve Reed (Head of Community Services, York Teaching Hospital NHS FT) and Dr Viren Mehta (Vice Chair, Viaduct Care and Clinical Director, Cheadle Primary Care Network).
- June 2022: ‘Clinical Pharmacists – exploring the scope, capabilities, and potential of this evolving NHS role’ with guest speaker Tom Kallis (Senior Clinical Pharmacist, East Cornwall PCN)
- May 2022: ‘Transforming systems and care pathways for an integrated NHS’ with guest speaker Debbie Morgan (Director of Service Transformation, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- March 2022: ‘Population to Person: How will the NHS translate population health management into impactful person-centred service change?’ with guest speaker Dr Steven Laitner (GP, Public Health Physician, and Clinical Leader)
- January 2022: ‘Planning in a volatile environment: how will the NHS reconcile its competing priorities and operational planning to meet its challenges?’ with guest speaker Caroline Dawe (Deputy Director of Commissioning, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group)