In our November webinar, Dr Peter Brambleby (Independent Public Health Consultant) joined Tom Clarke (Director, Mtech Access) to discuss the role public health has played through the COVID pandemic and its importance to the population going forward.
In this #WhispersWordsofWisdom webinar, Dr Peter Brambleby joined Tom Clarke to discuss the role public health has played through the COVID pandemic and why public health is so important, along with the complexities of programme budgeting. They also examined the dissolution of Public Health England and the roles local authorities might play in integrating care systems.
We are excited that Peter was able to join us for this webinar in the Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series.
This webinar forms part of our monthly Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series, in which we have in‑depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.
Our previous webinars are now available to watch on demand:
- October 2020: ‘Understanding the tipping point: when elective becomes selective in NHS surgery’ with guest speaker Simon Parsons (Divisional Director of Surgery at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust)
- September 2020: ‘Leading within an evolving, integrating system: Insights from an NHS leader’ with guest speaker: Deborah Lee (CEO of Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust)
- August 2020: ‘ICS: Separating Fact from Myth: Insights from a System Leader’ with guest speaker: Dr Claire Fuller (Senior Responsible Officer at Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership)
- July 2020: ‘The Evolving NHS: Lessons for Pharma and Medtech’ a discussion between Tom Clarke and David Thorne (Directors, Mtech Access)
[…] 2020: ‘Is prevention better than the cure? How can the NHS and public health work closer to improve populat… with guest speaker Dr Peter Brambleby (Independent Public Health […]
[…] 2020: ‘Is prevention better than the cure? How can the NHS and public health work closer to improve populat… with guest speaker Dr Peter Brambleby (Independent Public Health […]
[…] 2020: ‘Is prevention better than the cure? How can the NHS and public health work closer to improve populat… with guest speaker Dr Peter Brambleby (Independent Public Health […]
[…] 2020: ‘Is prevention better than the cure? How can the NHS and public health work closer to improve populat… with guest speaker Dr Peter Brambleby (Independent Public Health […]
[…] 2020: ‘Is prevention better than the cure? How can the NHS and public health work closer to improve populat… with guest speaker Dr Peter Brambleby (Independent Public Health […]