How can our community support NHS leaders to deliver a data-led, people-centric health service?
Dr Mark Davies (Global Chief Health Officer, IBM) joined Prof. Phil Richardson (Chair and Chief Innovation Officer, Mtech Access) for our live webinar on Friday 8th September to explore the power of data, the role of community and how the health and life sciences ecosystem can support the NHS’s population health management goals.
Population health management has the potential to be a powerful tool for healthcare systems, effecting the way health and care is strategised, budgeted, targeted, and delivered. We see a future where key decisions in the NHS are driven by population health data. What we now need is a new way of working powered by local need, quality evidence and a systematic approach.
Early in the NHS Whispers series we saw how the role of public health data in the pandemic acted as a catalyst for population health management. NHS leaders began to work towards a health system that is not just reactive but proactively working to meet the needs of the whole population, with the voice of the people driving health and care development.
In March 2022, Dr Steven Laitner spoke to us about the true potential of population health management. Then, last December, we spoke to Michael Wood (Head of Health Economic Partnerships, NHS Confed) about the economics of healthcare and where broader strategic partnership working might lead system thinking in the NHS.
In this new NHS Whispers webinar, Dr Mark Davies, a global lead in health informatics, policy, and system redesign, helps us bring these two themes together.
Phil and Mark explore:
- How the NHS can use population health management to transform the system
- The importance of community in population health management
- How Pharma, Medtech, and the wider life sciences sector can work above brand to support the NHS with population health management
- What a data-driven, people-centric approach means for the way treatments are valued
- How population health management could transform the economics of healthcare
Listen to the podcast:
This episode is also available as a podcast. Listen below or search ‘Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access’ on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.
About our speaker
Dr Mark Davies (Global Chief Health Officer, IBM)
Mark has over 20 years’ experience as an NHS General Practitioner. He has a long-standing interest in informatics, health policy, and system redesign and this has led him to work nationally for 15 years in a number of clinical leadership roles at the Department of Health, Cabinet Office and, most recently, as executive medical director of NHS Digital.
Mark led an initiative with the US government on common data and health technology standards, which led to a landmark agreement between the UK and US governments. He led the health transparency initiatives from the cabinet office which led to some of the largest open data initiatives in the world. He was European Medical Director of the global health informatics specialist MedeAnalytics between 2014 and 2017 specialising in population health. He chaired the health analytics committee within the industry group TechUK.
In 2003 he founded one of the largest social enterprise providers in the UK – Local Care Direct – which developed an early model of integrated urgent care using multi-professional groups, which continues to cover a population of 3 million people.
He is a non-executive director and deputy chair of the British Medical Journal.

This webinar forms part of our monthly NHS Whispers series, in which we have in-depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges currently faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.
Recent webinars in the NHS Whispers series, now available on-demand:
- April 2023: ‘Primary Care and ICBs – what is the next step in the integration journey?’ with guest speaker, Tim Goodson, Executive Officer, Dorset General Practice Alliance
- March 2023: ‘Data-led transformation in the NHS – partnering to optimise patient care’ with guest speaker Stephen Slough, Chief Digital Information Officer, NHS Dorset
- February 2023: ‘Innovating for better health – research, collaboration and innovation in the NHS’ with guest speaker Bill Gillespie, Chief Executive Officer, Wessex AHSN
Past webinars related to this topic:
- January 2023: ‘Healthcare, economics and society – unlocking NHS collaboration’ with guest speaker Michael Wood, Head of Health Economic Partnerships, NHS Confed
- March 2022: ‘Population to Person: How will the NHS translate population health management into impactful person-centred service change?’ with guest speaker Dr Steven Laitner (GP, Public Health Physician, and Clinical Leader)
- May 2021: ‘Population to Person – how will the voice of the individual drive health & care development?’ with guest speaker Steph Edusei (Chief Executive of St Oswald’s Hospice)
- November 2020: ‘Is prevention better than the cure? How can the NHS and public health work closer to improve population health?’ with guest speaker Dr Peter Brambleby (Independent Public Health Consultant)