Stephanie Swift (Senior Consultant – Systematic Review, Mtech Access) selects her highlights from recently published literature and systematic reviews into the potential of digital apps to improve public health and integrate into evidence synthesis.
Jodie Worrall recently joined Mtech Access as an Associate Director, leading our Evidence Synthesis and Systematic Review team alongside Shona Lang. In this interview, we learn about her expertise, her travels and what its been like returning to consultancy, at Mtech Access.
Araadhna Sinha tells us about her research evaluating NICE’s new disease severity modifier. Including the impact it could have had on past Health Technology Assessments.
Edyta Ryczek tells us about her research into the inclusion of Carer Health-Related Quality of Life measures in NICE Appraisals
Elizabeth Thurgar tells us about her ISPOR poster reviewing fast-track appraisals at NICE and the evolution of cost comparison
Olivia Dickinson tells us about her research reviewing oncology submissions to NICE to see how often QoL data is accepted.
The Mtech Access team reflect on a energising and inspiring ISPOR Europe – with commentary from top 10 influencer Prof Phil Richardson
In the field of systematic reviews and evidence synthesis, strong, multi-partner teams are critical for moving new drugs from early development and testing in the lab to treating people in…