The proposed new NHS England (NHSE) systems for specialised commissioning are arguably the highest risk of all current dynamics, both for the NHS and for suppliers. Key aspects of policy have been published in ways that are hard to access and even harder to interpret.
In our webinar on Friday 2nd December, we gathered an expert panel to discuss what proposed new NHSE systems for specialised commissioning mean in practice.
In this NHS Whispers webinar, we explored:
- What’s new for Specialised Commissioning and what’s set to change?
- What are the potential implications of the proposed changes recently published?
- Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and their increasing role with Specialised Commissioning
- What this means for the NHS and for industry in practice
The webinar began with an overview and analysis of the changes from David Thorne (Principal Associate, Mtech Access and Business Development Director, Well Up North PCN). David then opened up a broader discussion about the implications of these changes with our guest panellists James Curtis (Deputy Operational Director, Gloucestershire NHS Foundation Trust) and Mohammed Asghar (ICS Prescribing Governance Lead at Frimley Health and Care ICS).
About our speakers
James Curtis (Deputy Operational Director, Gloucestershire NHS Foundation Trust)
James has gained a wide range of operational management experience in roles with Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust, including as General Manager for Cancer Services and Screening, where he had operational responsibility for coordinating cancer pathways.
Mohammed Asghar (ICS Prescribing Governance Lead at Frimley Health and Care ICS)
Mohammed has 20+ years’ experience in prescribing roles in the NHS. As Prescribing Governance Lead in an integrated care system, he is ideally placed to give a pharmacy perspective on the changes to specialised commissioning.
David Thorne (Principal Associate, Mtech Access and Business Development Director, Well Up North PCN)
David is an experienced healthcare professional with an impressive track record of delivery in the NHS and pharmaceutical industry. He is a leading UK authority figure on clinical commissioning and market access and has done an in-depth exploration of the recently published documents on Specialised Commissioning.
Listen to the podcast:
This episode is also available as a podcast. Listen below or search ‘Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access’ on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.
This webinar is a special in our monthly Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series, in which we have in-depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges currently faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.
Our previous webinars are available on demand:
- November 2022: ‘Why are we waiting? – Pressures facing the NHS and how to deliver change?’ with speaker Prof Phil Richardson (new Chief Innovation Officer, Mtech Access and until recently, Executive Director at NHS Dorset ICS)
- August 2022: ‘Priority setting in primary care in the NHS – How is the NHS balancing competing challenges as we head through integration and towards winter’ with guest speaker Dr Alex Degan (Primary Care Medical Director, Devon Integrated Care System)
- July 2022: ‘Integrated Care Systems go live in the NHS – what have the first 3 weeks told us?’ with guest speakers Steve Reed (Head of Community Services, York Teaching Hospital NHS FT) and Dr Viren Mehta (Vice Chair, Viaduct Care and Clinical Director, Cheadle Primary Care Network).
- June 2022: ‘Clinical Pharmacists – exploring the scope, capabilities, and potential of this evolving NHS role’ with guest speaker Tom Kallis (Senior Clinical Pharmacist, East Cornwall PCN)
- May 2022: ‘Transforming systems and care pathways for an integrated NHS’ with guest speaker Debbie Morgan (Director of Service Transformation, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- March 2022: ‘Population to Person: How will the NHS translate population health management into impactful person-centred service change?’ with guest speaker Dr Steven Laitner (GP, Public Health Physician, and Clinical Leader)
- January 2022: ‘Planning in a volatile environment: how will the NHS reconcile its competing priorities and operational planning to meet its challenges?’ with guest speaker Caroline Dawe (Deputy Director of Commissioning, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group)