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NHS winter planning 2024–25 – Engaging with NHS decision-makers between now and Christmas

How is the NHS preparing for winter? Which challenges are the most pressing for NHS decision-makers? How can industry best engage and support NHS decision-makers in the next few months?

In August, Karen Cooper (Senior Consultant – NHS Insight & Interaction, Mtech Access) was joined by Jo Turl (Former Director of Commissioning, Devon ICS) to explore these challenges.

The webinar recording will be released shortly. Please email info@mtechaccess.co.uk for more details. 

Since 2014 until very recently, Jo has held senior commissioning roles at Devon ICS or CCG, leaving to take up a consulting role and join our network of NHS Associates a few months’ ago. Jo shares her own experiences of planning for winter and gives us a unique insight into what those in NHS commissioning roles are looking for from industry partners.

In this webinar, Jo and Karen discuss:

  • How ICBs and Directors of Commissioning prepare for winter pressures
  • The current key areas of focus at Place and ICB level
  • Specific challenges and pressures facing the NHS now and in the run up to winter
  • Immediate and long-term impact of (expected) new government policies
  • How industry can best support the NHS as it plans for winter and beyond
  • How your field teams can engage with NHS commissioners over the next few months

About our speaker

Jo Turl (Independent Healthcare Consultant and Former Director of Commissioning, Devon ICS)

Jo is a strategically aware and commercially focused healthcare director, with over 20 years’ experience in the NHS and an extensive knowledge base. Jo is highly skilled in commissioning primary care, community, acute, and mental health and learning disability services. As Director of Commissioning at Devon ICS, and the CCG prior to this, she has a successful track record of managing complex programmes and delivering multi-million pound projects, including public engagement and consultation, managing change, procurement, and service redesign and delivery.

This webinar forms part of our monthly NHS Whispers series, in which we have in-depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges currently faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.

Recent webinars in the NHS Whispers series, now available on demand, include:

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