Discover key facts about the healthcare market in the USA and learn about our latest market research for our pharmaceutical, medical device and healthcare sector clients.
Key facts about the US health market:
Funding in the US healthcare system
The US healthcare system does not provide universal coverage and can be defined as a mixed system. Publicly financed programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and military programs co-exist with commercial healthcare insurance. This complex system is financed by a mixture of public payers (federal, state, and local government), as well as through private insurance premiums paid by individuals or their employers and individual payments.
Health technology assessment in the USA
In contrast to many developed countries, the US does not have a national HTA program to broadly evaluate medicines or medical devices and guide coverage and pricing decisions. While US payers frequently use internal processes that incorporate elements of HTA to inform their coverage decisions, these processes lack transparency and involve duplicated efforts across organisations.
In the absence of a governmental HTA body, the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has emerged to evaluate drugs, devices, and diagnostics. When making coverage decisions, the decisions of some payers may be influenced by ICER assessments, though these are non-binding recommendations only.
Isn’t Mtech Access a European-based market access consultancy?
No, now that we are powered by Petauri we are truly Global with many US-based colleagues. This includes an in-house team of former US access decision-makers, with experience across all lines of business, including Medicare, Medicaid, and Commercial. Petauri also have a broader network of >100 current US payers and advisers. We work closely with these colleagues and can tap into this network to support all are US projects.
To discuss your US launch strategy with our experts or to enquire about market research services, get in touch using the form below.
Our work in the US market
Here are just a few examples of how we have supported clients looking to understand and influence the US healthcare market:
Exploring the US market landscape and developing strategy for a digital health technology
Evaluating existing research and identifying evidence gaps to inform future research priorities
Building a budget impact model for AMCP submission in the US
Communicating value to healthcare customers in key markets: A global value story and US-market specific brochures
Exploring funding and reimbursement routes for digital health technologies across EU4, UK and US
Gaining global payer insights to inform clinical trial design, price and market access strategy
More US market insights and research
Navigating US payer evidence needs to optimise market access
How can you optimise your chances of preferential access in the US with the right evidence? Join Clare Foy (Director – Global Market Access, Mtech Access) as she interviews colleagues Nicole Lodowski (Managing Director, Petauri Evidence) and Bob Nordyke (Senior Advisor, Petauri Evidence) about US payer evidence challenges.
Communicating value to US Payers: Insights for Pharma and Medtech
What do global market access teams need to know about the US market? What do US payers expect to hear from Pharma and Medtech companies? What kind of value messaging…
Early Take: US Federal Pharma Policy in 2025
Our US policy experts summarise what the administration has indicated may change (and stay the same) in the short term for insurance programmes, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and more.