Global Value Dossiers – Communicating an evidence-based value proposition

Global value stories that resonate

A clear global value narrative provides local market access teams with consistent, impactful, evidence-based messages that they can adapt to meet the specific needs of local markets.

A comprehensive global value dossier includes these key messages and the additional information needed by local affiliates to support key launch activities, such as payer negotiations and reimbursement submissions.

We work with global and regional market access teams in leading Pharmaceutical and Medical Device companies to create, test and validate value stories that resonate with payers across Europe and Internationally.

Developing your Global Value Proposition

Start with the story

We start with the story. What do you want to say about your medicine or device?

What value does your product offer to patients, clinicians and healthcare systems? How does it compare with competitors? How does it improve on the current treatment pathways?

Does your product offer additional non-clinical benefits? Is it more sustainable, environmentally friendly, or cost efficient? Could it reduce bed-days in hospitals or free up resources?

Establishing a narrative that clearly speaks to each of these elements is an essential first step in creating a compelling and credible value story.

Gather the evidence

With the key points of your narrative identified, we then gather the clinical and economic evidence to support your proposition. We assign supporting evidence to the relevant value statements, identify and fill any evidence gaps where possible, and outline where future research may be needed.

Test your value narrative internally

The next step is to pressure test your narrative internally – are the value messages compelling, clear, accurate, and appropriately supported?

We recommend refining the story collaboratively via workshops with key stakeholders, as getting all key stakeholders to agree on a narrative via offline review is time-consuming! Internal workshops at an early stage of story development are an efficient way to ensure alignment across the team and ensure key stakeholders are engaged and consulted.

Ask the experts

The final key step is to test your value story with external payers and/or clinical experts. Ultimately, any narrative around a drug or device must be convincing to payers to be successful. Asking for their perspective is an essential step in ensuring the story is fit-for-purpose, as well as for identifying key areas of weakness for further research and objection handling.

To discuss your global value communication requirements with our experts, get in touch using the form below.

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    To discuss your global value communication requirements with our experts, get in touch using the form below.

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      Presenting your value narrative

      We can present your value story in a variety of formats to share with key stakeholders and local affiliates.

      Anything is possible; it all depends on the level of detail you wish to include. Our pharmaceutical and medical device clients often commission a combination of the following options.

      Value proposition

      Concise, story-driven, visually-engaging, evidence-based value narrative

      PowerPoint, 30–40 slides

      Global Value Dossier

      Elaborates on the value proposition to provide additional relevant details

      Word, 50–100 pages

      Reimbursement Support Dossier

      A non-country-specific document providing HTA-compliant details of clinical and other relevant data

      Word, 150–250 pages

      Objection Handler

      Provides approved responses to key anticipated payer objections

      Word, 50–100 pages

      The Value Proposition, Global Value Dossier and Reimbursement Dossier tell the same story in different levels of detail, while the Objection Handler provides approved responses to questions and objections that affiliates can anticipate from payers.

      A popular combination is to commission a Value Proposition, Global Value Dossier and Objection Handler. We can also house and interlink your documents on a secure interactive value platform.

      Value Proposition Slide Deck

      A global value proposition deck is often the most reader-friendly way of presenting your narrative. It typically consists of a visually-engaging PowerPoint deck of 30–40 slides, outlining the key elements of your product’s story. It will be evidence-driven and well referenced, with highlights from key supporting data, but will not include granular detail.

      A Value Proposition deck is ideal for:

      • Providing a summary of the value narrative
      • Providing visually-engaging slides that can be dropped into local presentations

      Global Value Dossier

      A Global Value Dossier will include your full value narrative, along with a detailed overview of the medicine/device itself, the clinical evidence, and over relevant data. It is typically presented as an A4 Word document or PDF.

      A Global Value Dossier is ideal for:

      • Sharing all the relevant information required by key stakeholders and local affiliates in key markets

      Reimbursement Support Dossier

      A Reimbursement Support dossier offers the extended details typically required for health technology assessment (HTA) submissions. They are not country-specific, but are designed to provide local submission teams with all the information they would need to support reimbursement. As such, in addition to the full value narrative, they will often include detailed systematic literature reviews and health economic models.

      A Reimbursement Support Dossier is ideal for:

      • Detailing all the information and evidence needed to support HTA submissions in key markets

      Objection Handler

      An objection handler is a document that outlines questions and challenges that affiliates are likely to face from local payers. Likely objections are identified from interrogation of the evidence and by testing the narrative with payers and KOLs. The document includes approved responses to these objections that relate directly to the value narrative and the evidence.

      An Objection Hander is ideal for:

      • Acknowledging areas of challenge and highlighting evidence-driven approved responses
      • Providing local affiliates with clear messages, even when they have to deviate from the main story

      Interactive Global Value Platform

      Our digital Global Value Platform can house your suite of interlinked global value documents, for easy access by local affiliates. A Global Value Dossier or Reimbursement Dossier can sit on the platform as an interactive PDF with direct links to other content and resources. These can include value presentations, economic models and published literature. The Global Value Platform enables global market access teams to keep a central Global Value Dossier and summary presentation updated, whilst also enabling local tailoring.

      The platform is ideal for:

      • Ensuring affiliates always have the latest evidence and value messages to hand
      • Linking local evidence to the global value dossier along with supporting market access materials
      • Housing content for multiple products and multiple markets all on one easy to use platform

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