In this webinar, our experts explore evidence strategies for medical devices, diagnostics and digital health technologies.

Have you established the clinical and economic value of your medical device, diagnostic or digital technology? Do you have the evidence required to support your value proposition? Would a health technology assessment (HTA) route be appropriate for your product? What will payers, HTA agencies, and other key decision makers be looking for? And how should this information be presented?

In this webinar, our experts in HTA, health economics, and commercialisation explore the value of the META Tool assessment, providing insights on:

  • How to identify and communicate the value of your product for patients and the wider healthcare system
  • How to build a robust evidence package for successful launch and commercialisation
  • Key requirements for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme (MTEP) or Diagnostics Assessment Programme (DAP)
  • Next steps to take your innovation to healthcare leaders across the NHS and beyond, with an impactful customer communication strategy


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    This episode is also available as a podcast. Listen below or search ‘Pharma Market Access Insights  – from Mtech Access’ on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.

    Meet our experts

    Samantha Gillard (Director – HTA), Calum Jones (Senior Consultant – Health Economics), and Persefoni Ioannou (Consultant – HTA) recently passed the NICE META Tool assessment, enabling them to support our Medtech and Diagnostic clients through the META Tool process.

    During this webinar, Samantha leads the discussions with insights from Calum. Drawing on their experience of working on evidence generation for medical technologies and on MTEP and DAP submissions, they  explore how demonstration of clinical and economic evidence is gaining momentum. Hannah Palin (Associate Director – Market Access) joins the discussions providing insights based on her practical experience of supporting launch and market expansion of medical devices, diagnostics, and digital health technologies.

    Samantha Gillard

    Director – HTA and accredited NICE META Tool facilitator

    Calum Jones

    Calum Jones

    Senior Consultant – Health Economics and accredited NICE META Tool facilitator

    Hannah Palin

    Associate Director – Market Access and commercial value expert

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