What roles and responsibilities do Clinical Pharmacists have in the NHS? How can Pharma and Medtech engage Clinical Pharmacists, and how can industry best support these new decision-makers?
In this webinar Tom Clarke (Director, Mtech Access) explores all this and more with Tom Kallis (Senior Clinical Pharmacist, East Cornwall PCN).
In this #WhispersWordsofWisdom webinar, we explore the origins of the Clinical Pharmacist role and how it has become a key part of the primary care landscape, to understand how the responsibilities of those in the role have been growing. We discuss examples of specific, surprising, ways in which Clinical Pharmacists are expanding their skillsets and doing far more than just medicines use reviews and signing off prescriptions.
As Senior Clinical Pharmacist at East Cornwall PCN, Tom manages the new Clinical Pharmacist team across a Primary Care Network of 80,000 patients. He is an experienced prescriber and manager of prescribers, with former experience in commissioning and Local Pharmaceutical Committee work.
We are delighted to welcome Tom to the Whispers’ Words of Wisdom webinar series.
This webinar forms part of our monthly Whispers’ Words of Wisdom series, in which we have in-depth, comprehensive conversations with senior colleagues from the NHS. We explore what their immediate priorities are, what they see as the greatest challenges currently faced by the NHS, and how the NHS might respond to these challenges.
Our previous webinars are available on demand:
- May 2022: ‘Transforming systems and care pathways for an integrated NHS’ with guest speaker Debbie Morgan (Director of Service Transformation, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- March 2022: ‘Population to Person: How will the NHS translate population health management into impactful person-centred service change?’ with guest speaker Dr Steven Laitner (GP, Public Health Physician, and Clinical Leader)
- January 2022: ‘Planning in a volatile environment: how will the NHS reconcile its competing priorities and operational planning to meet its challenges?’ with guest speaker Caroline Dawe (Deputy Director of Commissioning, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group)
- December 2021: Panel discussion: ‘The evolving NHS: How can Pharma and Medtech support the NHS in 2022?’ with experts on policy, hospitals, finance, primary care, systems, and medicines
- October 2021: ‘Optimising the NHS – How will medicines be valued in integrated systems?’ with guest speaker Ellen Rule (Programme Director, Gloucestershire ICS)
- September 2021:‘A new paradigm for the NHS: Partnering to deliver lasting and meaningful care improvements’ with guest speaker Dr Phil Webb (Chief Executive of Respiratory Innovation Wales)
- August 2021:‘Innovations to address health inequalities in the NHS and how Pharma and Medtech can help’ with guest speaker Jon Siddall (Chief Executive of South West AHSN)
- June 2021: ‘The hidden heroes of the NHS – The role of Ambulance Trusts in keeping patients and systems moving’ with guest speaker Helen Ray (Chief Executive of North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust)
Listen to the podcast:
This episode is also available as a podcast. Listen below or search ‘Pharma Market Access Insights – from Mtech Access’ on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.