What does the abolition of NHS England mean for your market access and NHS Engagement strategy? How will the changes at national and integrated care board (ICB) level impact launch...
How is the NHS preparing for winter? Which challenges are the most pressing for NHS decision-makers? How can industry best engage and support NHS decision-makers in the next few months?...
Are you a global market access lead looking to understand the challenges faced by your UK affiliates? Or do you work at a national level with responsibility for bringing a...
What can we expect to see in primary care in the NHS given recent policy announcements and ongoing uncertainty? What does the new GP Contract tell us about the future...
Which decisions are made at Region level in the NHS in England? How do finances and funding work at this level? And how can industry best support and engage with...
What do we know about plans and policy for 2024/25? As the expected central operating plan has not (yet) materialised, and with a general election and a potential Labour government...
What’s happening with specialised commissioning in the NHS? How likely is a delay in delegation to integrated care boards (ICBs)? How and what should Pharma and Medtech plan for amidst...
What does it take to run a truly patient-centric integrated health system? What does the Welsh journey with integration tell us about the future for England? Paul Mears (CEO, Cwm...
What does NHS primary care need from industry? In our October NHS Whispers webinar, Dr Farzana Hussain (GP Principal, The Project Surgery) and Prof. Phil Richardson (Chair and Chief Innovation...
How can our community support NHS leaders to deliver a data-led, people-centric health service? Dr Mark Davies (Global Chief Health Officer, IBM) joined Prof. Phil Richardson (Chair and Chief Innovation...