Inspired by the oral presentations and panel discussions at the recent HTAi Conference in Utrecht, The Netherlands, Persefoni Ioannou (Consultant – Health Technology Assessment [HTA]) shares some key trends in...
Patient-centric design, ingenuity and a resilient drive to get new technologies to market were all on display at Medtech Innovation Expo. On 8th–9th June 2022 Calum Jones, Lily Westbrook and...
People, pathways, and payments – Mastering the key pillars of NHS engagement in 2023 Pharma and Medtech market access professionals joined us and our guest speakers from across the NHS...
What changes and innovations can we expect to see on the Veeva CRM in 2022, and what will they mean for market access and brand teams? Last week our digital...
Last month, our evidence team tuned in to watch the Virtually Cochrane conference. Each year the Cochrane conference explores the latest thought leadership in systematic review and healthcare evidence. This...
Mtech Access attended the virtual World Pharma Pricing Market Access & Evidence Congress on 23–25th September 2020, where our team were inspired by the range of seminars, round tables and...
Iain Shield, Digital Value Communications Consultant, was among the team representing Mtech Access at the Digital Pharma Advances Conference in London on 29th January 2020. Here he shares some key...
Nine of our senior team made the trip to Copenhagen to represent Mtech Access at ISPOR Europe this November. The conference brought together leading experts from across Health Economics and Outcomes...
We invited Pharma market access professionals to a seminar on 25th September 2019 at the Royal College of Physicians in London to hear directly from speakers who work in and...
Mtech Access were proud to have one of our budget impact models feature at the Veeva Summit. David Niziol presented the secrets to integrating health economic models and market access...