
We are now NICE META Tool facilitators

We are delighted to announce that Mtech Access are now a certified NICE Medtech Early Technical Assessment (META) Tool facilitating organisation.

Samantha Gillard (Director – HTA), Persefoni Ioannou (Consultant – HTA) and Calum Jones (Senior Consultant – Health Economics) all recently passed the NICE META Tool assessment. As accredited facilitators, the team will support Medtech and Digital Health innovators through the META Tool process and beyond.

What is the Medtech Early Technical Assessment (META) Tool?

The META Tool was developed by UK HTA agency NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) in collaboration with Health Innovation Manchester to help Medtech companies identify gaps in their product development and evidence generation plans, and can be used at any stage of product development.

As a certified NICE META tool facilitating organisation, we will help you to identify gaps in the evidence package for your product, relevant to HTA and healthcare provider evidence requirements.

We will then help you to build a compelling narrative that presents the benefits your product offers to patients and the healthcare system and identify the next steps critical to the commercial success of your new product launch.

At Mtech Access we have a highly experienced team offering a full suite of HTA and medical technology commercialisation services, from strategy through to evidence generation, economic model development, submission writing, and post-submission support.

Discover more with our webinar

Our META Tool facilitators here host an on-demand webinar to introduce this service. We explored some of the evidence challenges facing Medtech and Digital Health innovators as they approach launch, and how the META Tool and our wider Medtech evidence support services can facilitate commercialisation.

Congratulations to Samantha, Persefoni and Calum on passing the assessment. They are itching to share their learnings from the META Tool training, not to mention their extensive experience preparing evidence for HTA, launch, and commercialisation. Don’t keep them waiting! If you would value support in this area, email today.