Launching healthcare products in China

Discover key facts about the healthcare market in China and learn about our latest market research for our pharmaceutical, medical device, and healthcare sector clients.

Key facts about the Chinese health market:

Funding in the Chinese healthcare system

China achieves near-universal coverage through the provision of publicly funded basic medical insurance. This basic level of insurance is limited, but covers primary, specialty, hospital, and mental health care, as well as prescription drugs and traditional Chinese medicine. However, deductibles, co-payments, and reimbursement ceilings apply.

Health technology assessment in the China

The China National Health Development Research Center (CNHDRC) is the national HTA organisation. However, there is no legislative requirement to consider the results of HTA decisions, which are considered advisory.

Chinese payers’ primary focus:

The archetype in China is a patient-led (cash) approach. This is the result of the universal system offering only a basic level of coverage.

Why work with a European-based market access consultancy?

If China is your first launch market, you may be wondering about the benefits of working with a European-based consultancy over a local agency.

First and foremost, we are a Global Market Access agency. Whilst the majority of our team are based in the UK, we deliver projects to Global clients around the world. As such, we understand the needs and processes of major launch markets and archetypes, and how to factor these into a cohesive Global market access strategy.

Our work takes a broader perspective than the first launch market. This is particularly important for launch beyond China. We use our understanding of all market archetypes to deliver a suitable strategy for China, Japan, Australia, Europe, the Americas, and beyond.

We collaborate with our affiliates across the world to ensure our strategic and tactical deliverables resonate with key stakeholders, such as payers, clinicians, and policy makers. This ensures that local adaptations of Global materials, which are developed with affiliates in mind, are efficient and meet the needs of different markets.

To discuss your launch strategy for China with our experts, or to enquire about market research services, get in touch using the form below.

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