We are delighted to announce that we will be exhibiting at ISPOR Europe from 7th–9th November 2022 in Vienna, Austria.
ISPOR Europe is probably the most anticipated HEOR conference of the year, and our team are really looking forward to being there. In addition to attending sessions and sharing their own research in the poster hall, our team will be on our stand (no. X2-304) ready to speak to you about your market access and HEOR challenges and opportunities.
Please pop by our stand (no. X2-304) or arrange a meeting in advance if you would like to:
- Learn more about our expertise in market access and HEOR
- Explore how we can help you achieve your commercial objectives
- Find a market access partner to support your next project
- See a demo of our interactive budget impact model iPad tools
- Catch up with our team members
- Learn more about joining the Mtech Access team
To book a meeting with our team please email info@mtechaccess.co.uk or complete the meeting booking form.
Let’s meet at ISPOR
Complete the form to arrange to meet our team at ISPOR
Who’s attending ISPOR Europe from Mtech Access?
ISPOR Europe 2022 poster presentations
We will be presenting the following research posters at ISPOR Europe:
Poster: ‘Multi-Country HTA Initiatives Versus National HTA Processes: The Optimal Reimbursement Strategy’
Presenting author: Samantha Gillard
Other authors: Persefoni Ioannou and Sandra Bashford-Bovens
Poster Session: Session 1, 10.00am-13.15pm on Monday 7th November
Poster: ‘The NICE disease severity modifier: A retrospective analysis on its potential impact on previous reimbursement decisions in England’
Presenting author: Elizabeth Thurgar
Other authors: Araadhna Sinha and Dan Howard
Poster Session: Session 1, 10.00am-13.15pm on Monday 7th November
Poster: ‘The Challenge of Demonstrating Cost Effectiveness in Alzheimer’s Disease in England: Case Study of a Hypothetical Emerging Treatment’
Presenting author: Catrin Treharne
Other authors: Claire Spencer
Poster Session: Session 1, 10.00am-13.15pm on Monday 7th November
Poster: ‘The Assessment of Surrogate Endpoints and Their Impact on HTA Recommendations’
Presenting author: Clare Foy
Other authors: Laura Mathers and Edgar Khayat
Poster Session: Session 3, 10.00am–13.15pm on Tuesday 8th November
View in ISPOR database – View Poster
Poster: ‘The Evolution of Cost Comparison At NICE: What Can We Learn From Fast-Track Appraisals?’
Presenting author: Elizabeth Thurgar
Poster Session: Session 3, 10.00am–13.15pm on Tuesday 8th November
Poster: ‘A Review of Oncology Submissions to NICE to See How Often Disease-Specific Quality of Life Data Have Been Accepted’
Presenting author: Catrin Treharne
Other authors: Neil Davies and Olivia Dickinson
Poster Session: Session 4, 15.00pm–18.15pm on Tuesday 8th November
Poster: ‘Inclusion of Carer Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Appraisals Published Since 2019’
Presenting author: Catrin Treharne
Other authors: Edyta Ryczek and Elizabeth Thurgar
Poster Session: Session 5, 9.00am–12.30pm on Wednesday 9th November