Share value dossiers, evidence and messages within an interactive value platform
Global market access teams in Pharma and Medtech are responsible for providing local affiliates with the latest evidence and value messages. However, different markets have different needs and requirements.
Local affiliates may need to reference different published literature or economic models in their value presentations.
How then does the global team issue updates and ensure the right source materials are being used at a local level?
Our global market access experts and in-house developers have built a Global Value Platform where global market access teams can house a suite of interlinked global market access materials for use by local affiliates.
With our interactive Global Value Platform you can:
- Ensure your affiliates always have the latest evidence and value messages to hand
- Enable local affiliates to repurpose globally approved source material for their local use
- Link local evidence to the global value dossier along with supporting market access materials
- House content for multiple products and multiple markets all on one easy to use platform
To learn more about our interactive Global Value Platform and request a demo, get in touch using the form below.
House globally authorised, locally relevant market access materials
The interactive Global Value Platform enables Pharma and Medtech market access teams to house globally approved content in a way that is easy for local affiliates to access and deploy.
A global value dossier or reimbursement dossier can sit on the platform as an interactive PDF with direct links to other content and resources. These can include value presentations, economic models and published literature.
These resources can be linked to specific pages in the GVD and can be tailored to the local affiliate markets.
So, whilst a UK affiliate would see the evidence developed for NICE and a health economic model with NHS data, the local French market access team would see evidence tailored to meet the needs of the CEESP, CEPS and UNCAM.

Many of our clients opt to also provide a summary PowerPoint presentation, alongside the GVD.

The platform enables global teams to link supporting resources to this deck in the same way as to the GVD.

In addition, local teams can select specific slides from the summary deck to download to build their own local presentations for local customer communication.
The Global Value Platform enables global market access teams to keep a central GVD and summary presentation updated, whilst also enabling local tailoring.
A Global Value Platform built for you
Each Global Value Platform is designed to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our in-house developers can turn on and off functionality to meet your requirements. We can also develop bespoke options to meet your needs.
Featured Case Studies
Communicating value with a suite of visually impactful materials connected via a digital platform