Partitioned survival analysis (PartSA) is currently the most commonly used modelling approach within HTA (health technology assessment) for advanced or metastatic cancers. However, until recently, there was no formal documentation of partitioned survival analysis and its pros and cons. The NICE Decision Support Unit (DSU) have recently published a technical support document (TSD) which critically reviews the use of PartSA in decision modelling in health care.
This webinar provides a summary of the new DSU document including a description of PartSA versus Markov models, recent use in HTA, strengths/limitations and recommendations. The information may help to understand approaches taken by others, inform choice of model type, provide credible justification to increase chances of NICE/ERG accepting the approach taken, show that limitations have been considered and addressed where possible, and be able to effectively respond to queries from HTA agencies.
If you’d like to learn more about our expertise with partitioned survival models and Markov modelling, please email info@mtechaccess.co.uk to discuss your requirements with our team.