De-mystifying health economic model classifications and structures – Recorded webinar
Our expert health economists explain the key strengths and limitations of the most common health economic modelling classifications and structures.
Maximising NHS impact on a budget: assessing value in healthcare – Recorded Lecture
Hannah Baker (Consultant – Health Economics, Mtech Access) gives a lecture to members of the Royal Society of Biology – Wessex Branch, exploring the fundamental concepts of economic evaluation in healthcare. Hannah was invited to share her extensive experience of working on economic modelling projects for a wide range of life sciences companies.
Health economic evaluation for HTA in different markets
Health technology assessment (HTA) agencies and payers around the world base their decisions on different types of health economic evaluation. Daniel MacDonald (Associate Consultant – Health Economics) explains how some payers and HTA agencies lend greater weight to cost-effectiveness models over budget impact, and vice versa, with some markets being patient-led and others focusing on clinical outcomes.
What is a Markov model?
Hannah Gillies (Senior Consultant – Health Economics, Mtech Access) explains how Markov models are used in health economics, along with their strengths and weaknesses for healthcare decision-making.
What is a discrete event simulation in health economics?
Hannah Gillies (Senior Consultant – Health Economics) explains how discrete event simulations are used in health economic modelling, along with their strengths and shortcomings for healthcare decision-making.
What is a Cox regression model?
Daniel MacDonald (Associate Consultant – Health Economics) explains how Cox regression models are used in health economics, along with their strengths and weaknesses for healthcare decision-making.
What is a partitioned survival model??
Hannah Gillies (Senior Consultant – Health Economics) explains how partitioned survival models are used in health economics, along with their strengths and weaknesses for healthcare decision-making.
What are the tactical challenges for developing health economic models for orphan medicines and other rare disease treatments?
Calum Jones (Consultant Health Economist) gives an overview of some of the challenges facing health economists when building models for HTA, reimbursement and market access in the rare disease space.
Partitioned survival models versus Markov models – recorded webinar
This webinar, led by Hannah Gillies (Consultant Health Economist, Mtech Access), provides a summary of the NICE’s Decision Support Unit (DSU) technical support document including a description of Partitioned survival analysis (PartSA) versus Markov models, recent use in HTA, strengths/limitations and recommendations.
Rare disease market access webinar: Challenges facing orphan medicines entering Europe – Recorded Webinar
Explore the strategic and tactical challenges facing orphan medicines and other innovative rare disease treatments looking to achieve market access in Europe. This webinar includes a deep dive into the key principles and tactical nuances of health economic modelling in rare and orphans disease (from c. 24.30).
Health Economic Modelling for Medtech Innovations – What, Why and How – Recorded Webinar
Are you looking to launch a new medical technology, medical or diagnostic device in the UK, Europe or North America? Calum Jones (Consultant Health Economist) and Nicholas Swart (Senior Health Economist) discuss what, why and how health economic models can support Medtech innovations to demonstrate value, achieve market access and reach more patients.
Health economic modelling for rare disease treatments where no relevant data exists
How do you develop a health economic model if the disease area is so rare that no relevant data exist for it outside of the trial? Calum Jones (Consultant Health Economist, Mtech Access) shares some tips.
Defining the Patient Pathway when conceptualising a health economic model for a Medical Technology
When first conceptualising a health economic model for a Medtech innovation, it’s important to define the patient pathway. Calum Jones (Health Economist, Mtech Access) explains why.
Which type of health economic model best supports your market access strategy?
Which type of health economic model best supports your market access strategy? Calum Jones (Health Economist, Mtech Access) compares three conventional types of health economic models: budget impact models, cost consequence models and cost effectiveness models.