Shona Lang

Shona has experience win many disease areas, but particularly in oncology, macular disease, genetic biomarkers, and rare diseases. Her expertise covers all areas of systematic review methodology, including diagnostic reviews, rapid reviews, critical appraisals, burden of illness, epidemiology, treatment patterns, statistical reviewing, meta-analysis, and network meta-analysis. Shona has provided strategic support for clients who have limited evidence bases and conducts feasibility analyses for possible treatment comparisons.

Shona spent several years working in an Evidence Review Group providing single technology appraisals and diagnostic assessment reports for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

She also spent 15 years researching cancer cell biology. During her time in the laboratory, she worked closely with NHS clinicians and pathologists. She brings her insight of preclinical models, genomics, stem cells, gene therapy, and genetic biomarkers to support emerging technologies and precision medicine. She maintains a strong interest in the application of evidence-based decision making to preclinical research and wider clinical research.

Shona has a PhD in Cancer Studies from the University of Edinburgh.