Case Study

Using real-world data to build a case for change

What our client needed

Our client was looking for a visually compelling way to enable their field teams to present health data on relevant health economies to NHS decision-makers. They had been using Excel and PowerPoint but had faced challenges surrounding version control, presenting the data clearly, and ultimately, sharing these with the team effectively. They were also looking for a way to track usage, effectiveness, and return on investment from this approach.

Our client was looking for a solution that used real-world data to enable exploration of the financial, clinical, and environmental challenges facing localities, prompt discussions around areas for improvement, and ultimately present a case for change.

How we supported them

We developed a bespoke Connected Insights dashboard using real-world data to enable identification of variation and outliers, as well as the ability to drill down into granular detail and benchmark against comparable peers.

Our client shared their excel-based tool; we updated the data, messaging, design, and functionality, and delivered a dynamic app that was fully Veeva-compatible supporting a much richer experience for both the presenter and customer.

The new tool was easily accessible to the field-team via the Veeva platform, enabling faster dissemination of updated data and ensuring ongoing compliance. Veeva-compatibility also enabled the client to analyse usage statistics, meaning that the client was able to assess return on investment, support training, and evaluate the best way to develop the tool further.

The dashboard was initially launched in England, and then adapted for rollout to the devolved nations. This involved adapting data structures and graphs to accommodate different metrics and data where necessary. The phased roll-out allowed for feedback and improvements to be made before full deployment across the UK, and ensured a lighter weight and ultimately more efficient approval process.

The outcome

Field teams report enhanced engagements with customers, including reaching hard to access accounts and more efficient communication, as they now had previously disparate information at their fingertips. The client analysed usage statistics for the dashboard tool and has been able to demonstrate a greater return on investment in comparison with other similar tools.

How we added value

Following this success, our client asked us to develop a dynamic budget impact model in the same disease area. Our health economists developed the model, our value communication specialists developed the messaging, and our in-house developers and designers brought this together into a dynamic Veeva-based iPad tool. This suite of market access material enabled the field team to comprehensively demonstrate the need to change and the effect of making a change.

Client testimony

After using the dashboard tool, a member of the field-team fed back: “This is singularly the most effective and interactive tool I have used in 24 years in Pharma. Please extend my thanks to the development team.” – Key Account Manager

Another team member reported that the tool had helped them forge a relationship with an NHS decision-maker who had previously not engaged: This opportunity is truly a one off, they have never invited Pharma to present before. Thanks again to you and the team for this brilliant asset, which has proved very successful in enabling debate within departments” – Key Account Manager

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